mardi 25 mars 2008

Hot dog

Seen today in Rueil Malmaison (suburb of Paris), the above sign (something like 'dog with poor sense of humour').
Vu aujourd'hui a Rueil, en banlieue parisienne, le panneau ci-dessus.


Now with my new eeePC (more at and also see above picture) and its so called 'clé 3G+' (more at, I can surf the Internet, chat, and update my blog even in the train, what I am currently doing.
Pictures just taken a couple of minutes ago, not so interesting, just to test.

dimanche 23 mars 2008

Dimanche soir, Grenoble

Tom s'est endormi sur sa chaise en faisant un puzzle.
A la meme heure, Paul lui est en grande forme !

samedi 22 mars 2008

mardi 18 mars 2008

Meteo : il fait froid

23 degres dimanche dernier, 4 degres ce matin, et la neige tombee pas loin, voila le genre de suprises de la meteo locale. D'apres les collegues, il peut neiger a Almaty jusqu'en mai ! Avis aux visiteurs !

lundi 17 mars 2008


Yes, I know, you are waiting for the Istanbul pictures. But my friend Fabien and myself we took 900 pictures, and the selection process is quite long.

January 2013 edit (5 years later!): I just found my 2008 pictures, so I posted them on a picasaweb:

dimanche 16 mars 2008

It's spring time!

Today for the first time for weeks, we can see the mountains from the city!
All the local people (and also me) take their car to go to mountains and picnic.
They get the BBQ out of the garage...
... and the yourte...
... and the horse...
... and the eagle!
It's springtime, still snow somewhere, but warm temperature (23 degres in Almaty, 10 degres in the mountains)...
...also time for picnic.

vendredi 7 mars 2008

Mail boxes, following episode

I have been spiteful about mail boxes ( I am just back in Almaty, and I discovered that they have installed the mail boxes in the hall of my building (see picture). 3 months after the painting works! Maybe in 3 months they will give me the key...

mardi 4 mars 2008

Grenoble - Almaty

The Monday 3rd March Amsterdam-Almaty flight having been canceled, I stayed one more day in Grenoble (picture), and flew back to Almaty only on 4th March, landing on 5th morning.

dimanche 2 mars 2008

Anni Tom et Thibaut

C'est l'anniversaire de Tom et Thibaut, fete chez Nicole.
Avant le gateau, on a mange des grilades en self-service.
Tout le monde etait bien content.
Paul et son ours nous ont fait un beau sourire...
... et Nicolas une belle grimace.

Shapkas from Kazkahstan

samedi 1 mars 2008

Medals / Medailles

This is the end of the week at La Toussuire. Everybody got a medal (marking degree of ski proficiency), from left to right: Katharina and Julian 'Flocon' (Flake), Paul '2eme Etoile' (2nd Star), Tom 'Etoile de Bronze' (Bronze Star), and Herve 'Chamois d'Argent' (Silver Chamois).
Et voila, c'est la fin de la semaine au ski a La Toussuire, on s'est bien amuse, et tout le monde a eu une medaille.

Ca se présente bien !

Webcams de la Feclaz à l'instant : 

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