dimanche 16 mars 2008

It's spring time!

Today for the first time for weeks, we can see the mountains from the city!
All the local people (and also me) take their car to go to mountains and picnic.
They get the BBQ out of the garage...
... and the yourte...
... and the horse...
... and the eagle!
It's springtime, still snow somewhere, but warm temperature (23 degres in Almaty, 10 degres in the mountains)...
...also time for picnic.

1 commentaire:

Anonyme a dit…

Merci pour ces photos extraordinaires .... enfin des yourtes presqu'aussi belles que celles du Val Suzon à Dijon !

On se sent en sécurité

 Tests NCAP de notre Renault Austral : (toutes ces belles Austral détruites, ça fait mal au coeur)

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